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female victim

Women in the regimes of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Taliban in Afghanistan live in a war against them. Yet, they courageously keep up the fight for their human rights. Racial apartheid stands in international law. It is time gender apartheid is similarly recognised. There is an international campaign to recognise gender apartheid with support from allies globally, including four women Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. Come and sign the petition and join our sisters in Afghanistan and Iran on the journey to ending gender apartheid.

Amnesty York is delighted to be part of York International Women’s Week 2025

Any unforeseen changes of venue or time will be noted on the York Amnesty International website (here)

WHERE: Kings Square     WHEN: Saturday, March 8th; 11am - 2pm

see more about our recent street campaign in York

subjects of December street stall

Great news for human rights


Zimbabwe: Statement by the EU Spokesperson on the abolition of the death penalty 05.01.2025

The European Union welcomes the abolition of the death penalty in Zimbabwe. With this historic step, Zimbabwe joins the majority of countries in the world having eliminated the capital punishment. Zimbabwe had maintained a moratorium on the death penalty since the last execution in 2005.

The European Union calls on Zimbabwe to take a further step by removing the provision allowing for the temporary reintroduction of the death penalty during a state of public emergency.

The death penalty is incompatible with the inalienable right to life and a cruel and inhuman punishment, representing an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity. No compelling evidence exists to show that it serves as a deterrent to crime, while any miscarriages of justice are irreversible.

The European Union strongly opposes the death penalty in all cases and all circumstances and will continue to work for its abolition in the remaining countries where it is still in force.

Professor Şebnem Korur Financı

Forensic medicine expert and human rights defender Professor Şebnem Korur Fincancı has dedicated her life to eradicating torture and defending human rights.

Trying to silence her, the Turkish authorities have subjected Şebnem to baseless criminal investigations. In 2023, she was convicted for allegedly “making propaganda for a terrorist organization” after she had called for an investigation into allegations that the Turkish military was using chemical weapons in Iraq.

Şebnem is appealing against her conviction but could be imprisoned for almost two years if unsuccessful.

Tell the Turkish authorities to stop their harassment of Şebnem.

Join Write for Rights:

November 1st 2024 marks 7 years in prison for Osman Kavala


The legal battle to obtain his freedom continues through the European Court of Human Rights.

read more

  "I have now completed my seventh year in prison. During this time, I have endured a judicial process that entirely violated the presumption of innocence, relying on baseless accusations and false statements,"

Kavala wrote in an open letter....
  "True consolation for me will be seeing progress toward the rule of law in my country. I believe this will happen."

Saudi Arabia will NOT be joining the UN Human Rights Council

saudi flag

Last week was an important milestone.

Mohammed bin Salman’s regime was finally judged on its actions, not its PR campaign, when member states voted to deny Saudi Arabia’s bid to join the UN Human Rights Council.

This vote matters and here’s why:

  • For far too long, the Saudi regime has acted as if it can commit severe human rights abuses, knowing that its international allies would look the other way.
  • The Kingdom’s execution crisis continues to grow, with authorities executing their highest number of people in one year, at least 219.
  • These executions were for crimes that included drug offences and simply standing up for human rights.
  • The Saudi Government spent huge sums of money promoting a false vision of the Kingdom, selling stories of progress on human rights while cracking down on anyone who disagrees with their rule.

Can Atalay ~ the fight goes on....

Can Atalay, one of the Turkish prisoners whom Amnesty York is supporting, was the spark for a massive brawl in the Turkish parliament on 16th August 2024.

Can Atalay


Can Atalay was elected an MP for the Workers’ Party of Turkey (TIP) after being sentenced to 18 years in prison, after a controversial trial, in 2022 following the protests linked to Gezi Park in 2016.

The government removed his status as MP immediately. It would have ensured his release from prison. Subsequently, the Constitutional Court of Turkey, the highest court, ruled that the removal of his status as MP was illegal. The highest criminal court in Turkey over-ruled the Constitutional Court (in theory, impossible to do) and Can Atalay remained in prison. Recently the Constitutional Court repeated its decision in favour of Can Atalay.

The subsequent discussion of the status of Can Atalay in the Turkish parliament ended in a mass fight (see link to footage below). The footage shows Ahmet Sik, MP of the Workers' Party of Turkey (TIP), giving a speech in defence of Can Atalay, as Alpay Ozalan, an MP from Erdogan's ruling AK party, gets up to hit him. Mr Sik falls to the ground and MPs from other parties join the melee.

see the BBC video...

John McDonnell MP and trade union leaders call for release of Egyptian textile workers

Protesters in UK

Leaders of some of Britain’s biggest trade unions representing hundreds of thousands of workers across public services, health, education and transport sectors have joined Labour MP John McDonnell in condemning the arrest and detention of workers from Egyptian textile factory Misr Spinning in Mahalla al-Kubra following a strike in late February. Maryam Eslamdoust, of the TSSA transport workers union, Patrick Roach of the teachers union NASUWT are two union General Secretaries backing a statement demanding the release of the 5 workers. They are joined by Julia Mwaluke, Vice-President of Unison which represents 1.3 million workers across the public sector, and Pat Davis, Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee of Unite, another of Britain’s largest trade unions with 1.4 million members across all sectors of the economy.

The five textile workers were arrested after a successful strike by thousands of workers at Misr Spinning’s massive factory won pay rises to combat the spiralling cost of living which has plunged millions of Egyptians deeper into poverty. Egypt’s military dicatorship criminalises strikes and protests and wants to take revenge for Mahalla workers’ defiance.

Dozens of other trade unionists who took part in the ‘Stop the Hate’ anti-racist protest in London on 16 March also backed the statement.   more online 

Hoda Abdelmoniem faces more bogus charges...

Hoda who faces bogus charges

Egyptian human rights lawyer, Hoda Abdelmoniem, rather than being released at the end of her unjust five-year sentence, was instead ordered into pretrial detention pending investigations into yet more bogus terrorism-related charges. Please find  online the Eighth UA 190/18 calling for Hoda’s release.

Hoda, 64, has been arbitrarily detained for over five years, solely in relation to her human rights work. Her health continues to deteriorate.

We are calling on Egyptian authorities to ensure that Hoda is immediately and unconditionally released.

A lovely note from Italy

This note was left in the York Amnesty International Book shop in Micklegate. It is also where we hold most of our Amnesty International, York, monthly meetings. Do feel free to join us.

the note from Florence Italy


Amnesty International York logo

Milena Buyum, the senior AMNESTY campaigner for Türkiye this letter to all campaigners for the Gezi 7 prisoners in Istanbul in December 2023.

Dear all,

Together with Türkiye researcher Begüm Başdaş and Europe Research Director Dinushika Dissanayake, we visited Mücella Yapıcı and Hakan Altınay in Istanbul, the two Gezi prisoners of conscience who were released at the end of September following the overturning of their convictions. They face retrial under the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations which is set to begin in February. We will of course continue to monitor this retrial and keep you informed.

I wanted to briefly share with you both their gratitude for all the messages they received from around the world. There were many many letters… Unprompted, they explained how much difference this made to them while they were held behind bars. Hakan mentioned steady stream of letters and cards, giving the example of Amnesty activists from York in the UK, and how writing back was also very important to him. Mücella said this was one very crucial way to ensure people in prison feel they are not forgotten, a feeling that helped her a lot.

Thank you all for everything you have so far done to show solidarity with the Gezi PoCs. As you know Osman Kavala, Mine Özerden, Çiğdem Mater, Can Atalay and Tayfun Kahraman are still unjustly imprisoned. Please continue to write to them.

As you can see, our solidarity messages to the Gezi 7 are incredibly important. More are on their way as I type! Barbara L. Amnesty York

Amnesty International Bookshop in York has relocated to 19 Micklegate York YO1 6JH.

The team from York Unlocked visited the shop earlier this month and made this video: beautiful building, welcoming bookshop.

To find out opening hours and a whole lot more follow this link


wide angle shot of york minster

Amnesty York’s installation of the sea with a flotilla of origami boats (folded by Amnesty York, York for Europe and RAY) was displayed in the Minster’s South Piazza by the Roman column on Saturday October 23rd. This was in recognition of the thousands of people who try to cross the Mediterranean each year.

The display was the focus of many passers-by throughout the day. It was also an opportunity to make new Amnesty friends and meet up with established York group members. The Revd Canon Michael Smith joined us to express his support and undertook to remember those who perish in this way at evensong at the Minster.

Of those fleeing their homelands, some seek asylum, some flee poverty. This year, more than 700 (and counting) have drowned.

The stream of people will not stop until the world works together to solve the problems which send them on their journey. In the meantime, Amnesty International is pressing for:

— the creation of safe and legal routes to Europe for asylum-seekers (to put an end to people smuggling) along with a fair asylum assessment procedure.

- the end of the practice by FRONTEX, the EU border force, in cooperation with the Libyan coastguard of forcing people back to holding camps in Libya where they are forgotten, ill-treated and die.

- the end of prosecutions of people and organisations such as Médecins sans Frontières and Save The Children International for saving lives at sea (as is current, for example, in Italy).

* NB There are about 26 million refugees worldwide. In 2020, the UK had 35,770 asylum applications.

Get involved in York Amnesty
    in York, UK

Amnesty International York logo

Our Amnesty York group meets monthly to plan campaigns, lobbying and fundraising events. We are always looking to welcome new members to the group. No prior knowledge required - just an interest in protecting human rights!

Join us on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm. Meetings are currently taking place at the Amnesty International Bookshop in Micklegate, York.  here 

About Amnesty International, YORK

Our group is made up of like minded people who want to do their bit to protect humanity and human rights around the world.
We organise fundraisers such as: quizzes, ceilidhs and writing competitions.

We do letter writing to support prisoners of conscience. Our group enjoys links with local organisations such as York Pride and Refugee Action Week.

We often welcome specialist speakers to our meetings, who share their first hand experiences as human rights defenders around the world. Our aim is to spread awareness of the important work of Amnesty International and encourage active engagement in standing up for human rights.

Who are Amnesty International?

Amnesty International is the world's largest grassroots human rights organisation. It has more than 10 million members worldwide. Amnesty works to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied.

They investigate and expose abuses, educate and mobilise the public, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world. Visit the Amnesty International Website to find out more.

Time To Be Out

is a small York based charity which aims to promote the social inclusion of LGBT+ asylum seekers and refugees

more information download pdf

how to support - download pdf

time to be out logo

Woman Life Freedom Collective York

women life freedon logo
An important message from our friends at the Woman Life Freedom Collective...

You may have heard the recent heart breaking news that a further two Iranian men have been executed by the regime. Please do spread awareness amongst your networks - here are profiles of those executed so far and those awaiting their death sentence. Sunday (8 January) marked the third year anniversary of the shooting down of Ukrainian Passenger Flight PS752 by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that caused the death of all 176 people on board - so far no one has been held accountable. There were rallies held in London and globally in support. Please do also read, sign and share this Woman, Life, Freedom Charter that has already gained the support of over 1600 people. It is only a draft and anyone signing can add their own suggestions.

We will be holding another rally in St Helen's Square on the 18 February 2023 from 11 am. Please join us! We will update you on further details and plans for the day, but invite you to share the date amongst your contacts and to share any ideas you have for making it a rally to remember!

We will also be seeking to organise events to mark International Women's Day (8 March 2023) and will again update you on further details.

The collective is a small group of individuals from York who care deeply about human rights and the revolution in Iran. We warmly invite you to join our discussions - we aim to meet every fortnight to discuss how we can show our solidarity with the people of Iran, and we also have a Whatsapp group where we share ideas. Please let me know if you wish to join us in person and / or on Whatsapp. You can also follow us on Instagram.

With best wishes and hope for the victory of the Iranian revolution in 2023, Woman Life Freedom Collective York


The quilt comes home

the hand made quilt

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness

This beautiful creation was made by thirty local groups and societies in 2011 to mark the 50th anniversary of Amnesty International. The groups were invited to design and make a square based around the Chinese proverb above. The quilt is over nine feet tall and is currently on display in the stairwell at Friargate (the Friends' Meeting House, York, where we hold our meetings) for you to come and see.


Linda Combi artwork

York artist Linda Combi has created beautiful cards to support the work of UNHCR current crisis. They’re A5 folded cards with designs on both sides, and include envelope.

For more information visit Linda's blog or e mail her directly on here.....

An individual has a right to seek asylum anywhere in the world. In practice it is easier in some places than others....